The design brief was for a large insulated wall which passed from the outside through Reception area, through the Swimming pool area and then outside again.
Going through 3 different temperature zones, being in the Public domain and having large amounts of detailing works was a tall order!
However, working with the main contractors SDC of Bedford, and with Alumasc, meant that not only did the product perform perfectly but helped the project win its BREEAM award.
The main contractor was SDC Builders Limited and the specialist applicator Jordaya Contracting Limited.
Sean Denton of Jordaya Contracting, said:
“We applied weber.rend OCRT on 2000m² for tiling background; weber.rend OCR on 500m² for painted walls and brought in weber.rend LAC render mortar for 200m² of low level concrete walls which we treated first with weber.rend aid to ensure a strong bond. We saved a great amount of time and reduced material costs which is always appreciated by the main contractor. We have great faith in Weber materials and the supply chain.”
The faster application times achieved by the pump applied, one-coat render saves labour costs and speeds the construction program substantially. Together with lower material volumes, when compared with traditional cement and sand renders, further budget benefits are achieved.
weber.rend OCR is designed as a technical basecoat render for a wide variety of substrates and is based on Portland cement, lime and sand and conforms to British Standard mix formulas BS5262 and BS5492.
weber.rend OCR is available in two grades suitable for external rendering or as a tile backing render; weber.rend OCRT, a lime-free version for tiling background, that conforms to BS5385, was also used in this project.